Hey folks! Welcome to very first post of my blog. Here in this post, I am going to introduce myself and also I will tell you which kind of content I will share on my blog. So let’s start with my brief introduction.
Hi, there. It’s me Kulwinder Kohli – A Full Stack Developer. If you belongs to computer/IT background, you know what does full stack developer mean, but for those who don’t know about this term. Let me put some lights on Full Stack Developer. In very brief, Full Stack Developer is that person who is expert in both backend & frontend technologies, designing, development, deployment, project management, code quality management, server management, mobile application development etc etc or in layman language Full Stack Developer is all rounder in Development field. So here I am presenting myself as a full stack developer, read more about me on this page
Which kind of content I will share on my blog?
Firstly, This is not my first blog, I already run some blogs but because of my busy schedule and lots of development projects, I could not run my those blogs efficiently and that’s why they gone into dead sea. So I decided to start a new blog on my personal website to keep my blog writing interest live. The content I will share on my blog will be related to obviously new technology, development kind of things, some tech news, developer problems and solutions, my personal experience also guest posts are welcome. If you want to see your post on my blogging platform, you can do that. I will add a new functionality soon to do guest blogging.
Why I decided to start blogging again
The reason behind to start blogging again is, my interest in blogging. I started my career as a blogger but I found myself more interested in web development so I moved to web development by putting the blogging down. I am working in web development since 2014 as a professional web developer and designer. So in very simple words, my interest in blogging forced me start blogging again. I will try to write numbers of good posts on weekends.
If we talk about idea behind to start blogging, then I want to share my knowledge and experience with new comers in this web development field also to share my portfolio among people so that they can know, they have a good web developer around them.
Suggestions are welcome
If you have any suggestion regarding anything on my blog, please let me know. You can send your suggestions to me using contact form on my website. Please check this link to send your suggestions or you can post a comment below down in comment box. I will really appreciate your suggestion.