Hello there! In this post, I am going to share my experience over website creation and development. You will learn how to get a professional website after reading this post. I am assuming you as a person who is looking for new website for your company, shop or agency. Here I am describing this topic in some small steps. So let’s start with first step.

Work on your idea.
So what is your idea for your website? Do you have any idea for your business which is dependant on website. Then first of all work on your idea. Gather all information regarding website. e.g. Flow of website, How user will interact with website, What are basic functionalities you need in website, which kind of users you want to target on your website.
Work on requirements.
Now this is second step, you have to clear your requirements. I mean what do you need in website and in which flow. e.g If you are running a business of taxi and cabs, then you may need backend to manage your cabs and drivers and a frontend where user can book cab. There can be lots of things, e.g. Online Payments, Advance Booking, Cancel Cab, Payment Refund etc etc. So in second step you have to work on your requirements. At least you should know, what actually you need and want in your website.
Find a developer/company for your website.
This is most important step to get professional website. If you need a professional website then of course you need a professional developer or company as well.
- How can I choose a professional company/developer?
- In order to choose professional company/developer. You have to take interviews of some shortlisted companies/developers. You must go through the work done by them in previous year. Also you must check other clients review for the company/developer.
- Should I hire a company or freelance developer for my website?
- This is really an important and smart decision you can take. First of all, you must understand what do you need in your website, is it possible for a single developer to complete certain things in selected time or a company is required for your project. Of course, cost of company will be more as compare to single developer but companies have lots of solutions for your problems. So its all upto you choose a company or freelance developer.
Get a domain.
Now after choosing development team, this is time to register your domain on internet. Domain name is your online address, which help customers and users to reach at your business shop. If you’ll check url bar of your browser, you’ll see www.iamkulwinderkohli.com i.e my website address. “.com” is domain name there. My recommendation for domain purchase is Godaddy. They have good customer support and service worldwide.
Buy hosting for your website.
If you are building a new house, then you need space for that. Similarly if you are building a new website you need space for that as well. Technically, we called hosting to that space. There are lots of variation in hosting configuration. You can consult with your developer about hosting configuration or you can call to your hosting provider and consult directly about your requirements, they can recommend you a good hosting plan but I will recommend you to consult with your developer first.
I hope, this information will help you to get a professional website. If you want a post on any other topic, please let me know in comment box. Thanks!